MAGNETITE (aka LODESTONE): Stone of Attraction · Strength · Balance · Loyalty · Great for: realigning energy and restoring energetic flow, balancing polarities, grounding energy, attracting and repelling, calming chaos, heightening intuition, manifestation, magic and law of attraction workings, endurance. Purported Physical Healing Properties: anti-inflammatory, helps with asthma, relief of muscle pain, skin, hair and circulation, balancing metabolism, vitality in recovering from illness. NOTE: Recommended that pregnant women and those with pacemakers get greenlight from doctor before wearing or working with magnetite.
MAHOGANY OBSIDIAN: Stone of Inner Strength · Strengthens the aura · Grounding · Protection · Releases feelings of unworthiness. weakness and limitation, attunes one to the frequencies of abundance and prosperity.
MALACHITE: Stone of Growth. Protection · Progress · Rebirth · Great for: change and transformation, unconditional love, opening even a reluctant and fearful heart, mind and body so new energy can move in and stuck and suppressed energy can move through and out – shifting one into a new and higher heart-centered vibrational state of being. Great for increasing life force energy, courage, endurance, self-sovereignty and taking responsibility for decisions and actions, compassion and friendship, releasing past life traumas and old patterns from this lifetime, opening spiritual path and connection, self-expression, overcoming shyness and fear of conflict, feeling safe to be powerful and safe to be seen, powerful protection, cleansing of the physical and energetic bodies, for support in all travel endeavors (also known as a stone of travel), easing fear of flying and even traffic congestion, connecting with earth energy, the plant kingdom and devic spirits, great for midwives and womens’ healing, prosperity. Purported Physical Healing & Mental Health Properties: may protect from electromagnetic smog, pollution and radiation, may aid female sexual and reproductive health and associated organs, menstrual cramps, menopause, labor, hormonal imbalance, chemical imbalance, mood swings, diseases of the sexual organs, depression and anxiety, asthma, digestion and gastrointestinal health, kidneys and kidneys tones, gallbladder and gall stones, pancreatic health, osteoarthritis, bone and spinal health, joint health, high blood pressure, nervous system health, parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, tremors and neurological diseases, malaria, travel sickness, vertigo, DNA repair of cancers and tumors, enhance immune system, liver detoxification.
MALIGANO JASPER: Stone of Rebirth. Balance · Wisdom · Transformation · Great for: lessening dependency on things you don’t require, shedding the layers of the old self that are no longer in alignment and stepping into a new identity.
MERLINITE: Stone of Mysticism. History · Wisdom · Duality · Great for: balancing masculine and feminine energies, karmic healing, shadow work, thinning of the veil, psychic development, connecting with spiritual guides and masters in the higher realms, spiritual journeying, magic, mysticism and manifestation, opening the akashic records, living out one’s destiny.
MEXICAN LACE AGATE (aka CRAZY LACE AGATE, MEXICAN CRAZY LACE AGATE): Stone of Laughter. Support · Optimism · Encouragement · Great for: joy, happiness, heart opening and unconditional love, strength, emotional stability, supporting creativity, intellectual stimulation and mental agility, connecting with people, socializing and networking, easing fears, promoting fun, traveling, self-confidence, expanding vision, mental acuity, perception and discernment, enhancing the analytical mind, decision-making, for flexibility and adaptability, stabilizing and centering, protection, removing negative energy and energetic attachments. Purported Physical Healing & Mental Health Properties: may promote vitality, may aid in recovery from illness or exhaustion, may aid chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal health and digestion, cell metabolism, uterus, eyes and other hollow organs, skin and blood vessel elasticity, varicose veins, heart health, fever, sleepwalking, epilepsy. Chakras: Sacral (2nd), Solar Plenxus (3rd), and Third Eye (6th).
MOLDAVITE: Stone of Spiritual Acceleration. Awakening · Transformation · Blast-Off · Great for: higher consciousness and spiritual awakening, accelerated karmic processing and personal growth, cosmic and extraterrestrial connection, activating starseed memories, earthly progress, divine re-alignment, heart opening, dramatic change for the better. NOTE: Moldavite is not of earthly origin. Belonging to the tektite family, it’s a molten glass that formed as a result of extraterrestrial material colliding with earth. Truly out of this world.
MOOKAITE JASPER: Stone of Versatility · Present Moment · Resources · Grounding · Great for: gently grounding and stabilizing the body, nurturing and support, creativity and versatility, cultivating feelings of peace and wholeness throughout the varied landscape of existence, perceptiveness, discernment and seeing all sides of a situation, protection from unwanted energy and influence, appreciating goodness and what is, calling our energy back into the present moment, counteracting loneliness and sadness, abundance, confidence, focus and inspiration, success in business and goals. Purported Physical Healing Properties: detoxification, regulating high blood pressure, tissue and wound repair and restoration, healing of hernias and ruptures, internal organ health and longevity, kidneys and bladder, digestive system, blood purification, helping with cystitis, stomach and glandular problems.
MOONSTONE: Stone of the Goddess. Intuition · Cycles · Divine Feminine · Great for: activating intuition, receptivity and clairvoyance, reflection, lucid dreaming, traveling, healing mother wounds, magical and ritual workings with the moon.
MOONSTONE, BLACK: Stone of Shadow Work. Intuition · Life Cycles · Visions · Great for: easing grief, allowing and flowing through change, release and surrender, working with the Moon – especially the dark moon (last phase in the lunar cycle), Mary Magdalene, the Black Madonna, Kali and any divine feminine energy, connecting with spirit guides, protection, gentle grounding and centering, psychic development, seeing what has been hidden, creativity, working through difficulty in relationship with others, moving through difficult periods in life, shadow work, finding your inner power. Purported Physical Healing & Mental Health Properties: may aid women and trans womens’ health, reproduction, pregnancy, childbirth, kidneys, spleen, stomach health.
MOONSTONE, RAINBOW: Stone Of The Goddess. Intuition · Cycles · Divine Feminine · Great for: intuition, introspection, receptivity, vision and clairvoyance, awareness of change, cycles and renewal, connecting with symbols, synchronicities, the moon, divine inspiration and the divine feminine, soothing fears and anxieties.
MORGANITE: Stone of Divine Love · Romance · Sweetness · Equality · Great for: divine connection through the heart, love of every kind, especially romantic love and commitment, appreciating and embodying inner beauty, encourages compassion, thoughtfulness, respect, fairness and softening of harshness in all relationships (business too), aids heart opening and self-healing, overcoming resentment, releasing anger, guilt, shame and grief, releasing toxic attachments, resourcing love from within, connecting with the higher realms and especially the Divine Feminine. Purported Physical Healing Properties: heart, respiratory and thyroid health, womens’ health, sexual enhancement.
MOROCCAN GEODE: Stone of Higher Guidance. Intellect · Transmission · Astral Travel · NOTE: Moroccan Geodes contain clear quartz crystal in druzy form and as such, possess the metaphysical properties of clear quartz. Great for: sharpening the mind and the intellect, clearing energy, channelling and strengthening spiritual and healing energy, strengthening and amplifying the energy of anything it’s paired with, assisting with decision making and spiritual awakening.
MOSS AGATE: Stone Of Gardeners · Patience · Abundance · Tranquility · Great for: gardening and agriculture, connecting with mother earth and her energy channels, gentle grounding and expansion, steady growth over time, support with financial savings, persistence in all matters, gentle and stable support of vitality and health, soothing temper, balancing mood, networking and friendships, harmony in relationships, stabilizing the heart, equanimity and grace through disruption and challenges, hope and trust, connecting with nature spirits and elementals. Purported Physical Healing Properties: healthy neural networks and activity, hemispheric balance in the brain, supports focus and analytical aptitude, anti-inflammatory, stabilizing of nervous system, boosts immune system and aids recovery of fever and acute and chronic illness, good for fungal and skin infections and hypoglycemia, heart strength and health, stimulation of digestion and elimination, hydration, may help with epilepsy. Chakras: Root/Base (1st), Heart (4th).
MOTHER OF PEARL (aka ABALONE SHELL): Stone of Tranquility · Compassion · Love · Dreams · Great for: calming and soothing emotions and stress, gentle protection and auric shielding, for aligning with purity, for soft strength, harmony in relationships, empathy, communication, cooperation, balanced give-and-take and understanding, for intuition, inner beauty, healing and wisdom that comes through all life experiences – even trauma, for enhancing intuition, dreams, spiritual connection and connection to the ocean and ocean life, for connecting to the Mother archetype. Purported Physical Healing & Mental Health Properties: may enhance sensory perception, may support the nervous system, skeletal system and bones, absorption of Vitamins D & A, digestion, muscle and tissue, fertility, allergies, skin, fluid retention and swelling, fertility, and childbirth.